About Precamp
We provide you all the space you need!
Precamp Srl has over 35 years of experience in the production of units. We can supply any type of project with the appropriate material. Our company is always searching for the best solution and produces the cabins exactly at the clients’ request.
The renewed Precamp
Precamp has been developing heavily over the passed years and we have expanded our range of products. We not only deliver to the italian market and export in the rest of the world, but also, from May 2013, we have started a partnership with the dutch company Tribute Investments, which has been offering units and cabins for rent as for sale on the Benelux market for many years. Thanks to this cooperation Precamp can continue to offer all his customers only the highest standards in both precision and professionality.
Every customer’s question will be analysed by Precamp together with the customer himself in order to reach the best solution. Thanks to the ability and accessability of our tecnical department we were able to experience a strong grow. The companies we work with have great opinions of our tecnicians.
For questions of any kind please don’t hesitate to contact us. Please fill in the contactform on our website.
